Monthly Misogi

The antidote to a comfortable, boring life. Engineered by a Military Psychologist.A simple, free monthly Email that outlines a tough Misogi challenge you can attempt at your own risk, should you dare.Misogi began as an annual Japanese purification process for both the body and the mind.The notion around the Misogi is you do something so hard (50% chance of failure) that it has a positive impact on all the other days and experiences thereafter. A renewal of sorts.In other words, get off your butt and do something challenging and memorable. These endeavours teach you about yourself and engage you emotionally, physically and spiritually.Conducting 'Misogi missions' can help us uncover exactly what we’re capable of. It’s a reminder that we are stronger than we believe and that more is possible than we can imagine. Voluntary acts of hardship help us remain in touch with the beauty of life as we experience the full spectrum of experience.Don't overthink it. Don't optimally prepare. We've got a plan!
Embrace the chaos. Suffer forward. Join the crew.
Sign up and take on the Monthly Misogi challenge.

Start living again

Enter your details below to join others on the quest to regularly challenge themselves in pursuit of a better, more fulfilling life.It's purposefully plain and purposefully painful! You'll receive a simple email at the start of every month that will contain the following:

  1. Primary Misogi Task
    (easy / medium / hard)

  2. Alternate Misogi Task
    (easy / medium / hard)

  3. Motivational Video

  4. Self-Reflection Activity Tool
    (pre/post debrief)

  5. Unique Deals/Prizes

All you need to do is read the task and try to complete it - simple. If it doesn't suit, try the Alternate Task (or one from our archives).You don't have to complete the challenge every single month, but the regular flow of information serves to remind you to challenge yourself regularly to keep your spirit awake - no more sleepwalking through life.Simple and effective, but not easy.You're more than welcome to avoid this if you want 'easy', there's no judgement. Click exit on the webpage now, nobody will ever know?...Still here? Good, I had faith in you.Deep down I'm sure there's a lesson to be learned that you just won't ever learn unless you embrace some uncertainty and discomfort.Step into the arena my friend. Your Misogi opponent awaits.

    Keep yourself accountable by tagging us on social media!

    DisclaimerBy signing up you agree to undertake these challenges at your own risk. The author takes no responsibility for your physical or mental health resulting from partaking.Be sensible, be safe.See you on the other side.